Expert Blu Ported Full Cheek

expert blu bit
TThe Expert Blu ported mouthpiece is to designed to take most the pressure off the tongue, whilst still leaving pressure on the bars, horses that need the tongue relief but like stillness in the mouth should benefit from this mouthpiece. The mouthpiece is solid and so horse that need to seek the contact have something to feel and ride in to.

The Full Cheek

A long sided ‘full cheek’ helps horses that need exaggerated steering instruction by applying increased contact to the face and giving a more definite signal to turn. The single pivot action of this design also provides stability in the mouth and less movement than a loose ring bit.

Ideal for…

Young horses or horses requiring an increased degree of steering clarity. Whilst also helping horses that prefer a stiller feeling from the bit or those with a fussier, more active mouth

Dressage Legal

14mm Mouthpiece


Additional information


5", 5.25", 5.5", 5.75", 6"